Monday, July 23, 2007

Harry Potter

The seventh and final installment of Harry Potter is out, and I'm 66% done with it. I need to hurry up, since now that Patrick is back from Bradford, he'll be itchy to read it. What am I thinking, he's probably reading it right now, while he's suppose to be sick in bed. Anyway . . .

It's really good so far, no spoilers, of course. Seems like it's also a race against time, since you only have so long before watercooler talk at work or around town will give away the ending.

And no, I was not one of those people who stayed up until 12:01 Friday night to buy the book. Nor did I buy the book and immediately turn to the end to see how the story ends - dude, you've waited years for the whole story - enjoy it a little bit.