Monday, October 29, 2007

Mona Returns

Alas it is a bitter sweet day, as Mona, otherwise known as my Nespresso French Coffee Maker, returns to my desk. I thought I had a post on this, but I must have gotten behind.

When we were back in Indy for testing in March 2006, I bought Mona in order to get me through what we Americans call coffee. The French and Italians think (correctly) that our coffee tastes like the liquid that comes out of the coffee machine when you forget to put coffee grounds in. No wonder we need to buy a Venti at Starbucks - we need that much liquid just to get some taste.

Anyway, back to the Mona move. Mona is back because her original home was Mike Raftery's desk, who has recently left Lilly - I'll make another post on that - but the important thing right now is that Mona is safe and sound.