Again, pent up consumer demand from living in a country where it took 100 US dollars to buy a can of Coke has resulted in me starting a subscription to Farm Fresh Delivery. As I pass the ripe old age of 26, I realize more about myself and my unique weaknesses - one of which is the inability to get up on Saturday at 7AM and go the Farmer's markets in Indy. Enter Farm Fresh Delivery.
They delivery organic fruits and vegetables to your door via an online ordering process at regular intervals. I currently have it set up for a delivery once every two weeks - which seems to be working out well. Every Monday they tell you what they have in stock, and you can easily ammend your order. So far the vegetables have been good, but the fruit is even better.
It's still too early to tell, but we think we actually end up saving cash, since it forces us to stay at home and cook - not to mention getting our daily intake of fruit. If we left it to chance, I think Patrick would have an apple about once a month.