Saturday, April 11, 2009

Upstairs Painting

Home remodeling is not me - considering it has taken a week after work and an entire weekend to paint the upstairs hallway and one bedroom. I can't complain - I still ended up saving some cash by doing it myself.

The picture doesn't do justice to the wall color - it's a very nice yellow (Resotration Hardware via Lowe's color matching). And yes, this is the original 'Winnie the Pooh' room - sniff, sniff. I even got rid of the purple window treatments and did some Target magic.

Hopefully the carpet will arrive soon and the whole upstairs (except for the bathroom) will be all done.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

American Idol Night

Week 4 of the American Idol finals at Jason and Amber's. Hey! Don't judge me ... It's the only TV we watch each week (hence the need to actually go over to Jason and Amber's)

So can't decide who should be voted off ... But I'm bumming that tattoo chick was voted off.


Most of you have heard about her, but few have actually seen her. This is Mona, my Nespresso coffee maker at work.

Yes this is a little weird of a setup, but you can't expect me to pay $2 for a crappy espresso at Java City. Plus she's very social.

The only issue I really have now is getting my other machine to work at home. Unfortunately it has a European plug, and all attempts to convert the current have failed. When the last converter started to smoke after a few seconds, I decided to give it a rest

Monday, April 06, 2009

World's Largest Hamburger Bun

OK, it might have helped if I put in something to give you a sense of scale - the 'bun' is about 18 inches across.

I bought a new book on bread baking from some freak, so I'm still searching for the perfect french bread recipe. These recipes are using a pate fermentee to make the first fermentation go easier, but I still haven't gotten the crust right and the dough itself is a unstructured blob of dough to shape.

We'll see.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Jakob Colclasure

Our friends Jason and Kelly just adppted a new baby boy (is "new" baby redundant?), so we ran over to the house for a quick visit.

Cute baby, but they really don't do anything interesting for at least another couple of months. Jakob does confirm my suspicions that they (babies) are a serious drain on disposable income. Forget about college tuition, just the cost of batteries for toys requires a second income.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

For Sale

Would you buy this house?

Actually the house isn't for sale yet, but hopefully in a year or so it will be. Granted there is still tons of work to do on the house before we put it on the market (i.e. kitchen, bathroom, basement baseboards, etc) - we'll see.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Amaryllis Seeds

Kind of feel a little like Jack and the Beanstalk.

Now with most of the Amaryllis bloomed, some of the super strong ones will put out seeds. No telling if these will sprout and make viable baby Amaryllis (plural), but it's always fun to see what works and ends up not being eaten by chipmunks.

By the way, the plural of Amaryllis is probably Amaryllis - I looked it up. It seems there are actually people who have more spare time on their hands and are more nerdy than I am - I know, I was shocked too. Although Amaryllii (fungus->fungi, Amaryllus->Amarylli), Amaryllides (plural of the greek word 'Amaryllis'), and Amaryllises (english plural of Amaryllis) all made logical arguments to why they should be the winner, I'm going with Amaryllis. I'm clearly referring to a genus of plant, and that's never made plural - although I'm wondering if the fact that not all of Patrick's Amaryllis come from the genus Amaryllis, I could be asking for trouble.

OK, Amaryllis bulbs.

Yes, sometimes the easiest answer is right in front of us.