Kind of feel a little like Jack and the Beanstalk.
Now with most of the Amaryllis bloomed, some of the super strong ones will put out seeds. No telling if these will sprout and make viable baby Amaryllis (plural), but it's always fun to see what works and ends up not being eaten by chipmunks.
By the way, the plural of Amaryllis is probably Amaryllis - I looked it up. It seems there are actually people who have more spare time on their hands and are more nerdy than I am - I know, I was shocked too. Although Amaryllii (fungus->fungi, Amaryllus->Amarylli), Amaryllides (plural of the greek word 'Amaryllis'), and Amaryllises (english plural of Amaryllis) all made logical arguments to why they should be the winner, I'm going with Amaryllis. I'm clearly referring to a genus of plant, and that's never made plural - although I'm wondering if the fact that not all of Patrick's Amaryllis come from the genus Amaryllis, I could be asking for trouble.
OK, Amaryllis bulbs.
Yes, sometimes the easiest answer is right in front of us.