Ain't she cute?
Even as someone who shuns children for their negative effect on my disposable income, I can see that this girl is cute.
To bring you up to speed, my friend (originally previous owner of our current house - how weird is that?), Kathleen Schuetz (sorry, if I missed the spelling - but it just doesn't look right) adopted a baby girl from China.
If there is a more profound story of patience and sense of purpose, it has been lost to history. You can check out the last 10% of the ordeal here at Violet's Thread.
To celebrate we threw a little shindig for Violet and Mom Saturday - it wasn't a dinner thing, instead a brunch. But it was still a blast. Besides, brunches are so much easier than the full on dinner thing - it can all be baked.
And of course, it was good to see Mary, Jody, Steph, and Laura before we left (Hello???!!! Leslie, DeAnn - where's the love?) - you missed the Spinach Strata with a Mimosa chaser.