Friday, October 14, 2005

Winston - a cry for help

Hi, it's me, Winston. You know, the beloved and faithful animal that you left behind as you went tromping through France.

I just wanted to hack your blog to get in a little update of my life, so you keep me in mind as your playing with all the other dogs in the city of Strasbourg. Yes, I know, they're better behaved than me - I heard about the white labrador that you saw sitting peacefully at a cafe one Saturday, and didn't even flinch as other dogs went walking by. Maybe if you had higher expectations for me as a puppy, maybe I too would be able to go inside a restaurant someday.

Just to let you know how I am keeping myself busy . . . in addition to keeping the yard free of chipmunks (squirrels are OK), I now have these two animals in the house that don't seem to be going away. Not only are they getting into my toys and personal space, but they're also threatening me with bodily harm. Sam is blinded by the cuteness of one of them, but I now have hard evidence that they're up to no good. With the help of motion detection software and a webcam, I was able to take this picture remotely as I left the house to take my daily walk. In the event of my early demise, I hope this proof will lead you to my killers.