Back from France, I'm stocked with groceries - including duck confit - or what I like to call French KFC. It's like the closest thing the French will ever get to fast food.
So how do you cook it? Granted I had to get the "recipe" from Liane, but it ain't tough - just don't tell Patrick, otherwise he'd have it every night.
Basically open the can (yes, it comes in a tin can), find pieces of duck in fat, wipe off fat with paper towels, nuke duck for 60 seconds to slightly melt more fat, wipe off fat again with paper towels, and broil until the duck says it's done (about 10 minutes).
Bonus points if you're willing to clean your oven next week - don't use a tray - and have the fat (yep, you cannot get it all off) drip on some potatoes underneath. Brian and Patrick says that they're amazing.