Well, it's been awhile (I think 4 years), but Patty and I made it to the State Fair this year. For those reading this, who do not know what a State Fair is, I really can't do it justice on a blog - it's something you really need to experience first hand. However, we did make the
NYTimes for our deep fried Reese's peanut butter cups.
The cheapness in me came through, so Patrick and I rode our bikes to the Fair to save $5 in parking. They also gave us a $1 off coupon for the entrance tickets - cool.
Besides making fun of people and counting how many people have
mullets, the other past time is eating food that's really bad for you. In that spirit, we had a grilled cheese sandwich washed down with a chocolate milkshake. Followed by a relatively healthy veggie gyro for me, and a quarter of duck for Patrick. While walking out, we grabbed an elephant ear - so I think we kept our caloric intake to under 4000 calories each.
We did run into Joe and Michelle Grabczak with Morgan and Mason in tow (yes, they have a lot of people in their family that starts with the letter 'M'). And even more surprising we ran into David Everett and his parents. I had not seen David since the 6th grade, when we went to Grandview Elementary School together. His parents haven't changed a bit.
I think that was about it - besides looking at very large pigs and little bunnies. We were a little short on time, since we had to get our bikes out of hock by 8PM.