Monday, August 20, 2007

GenCon in Indy

Ahhh . . . it's that time of year again . . . GenCon, the annual gaming convention, is back. Don't get me wrong, I don't actually go - I just sit on the Circle at lunch and see how easy it is to pick out the conventioneers.

Although my karmic debt is now off the charts from all the sanctimonious judgment that I allowed for myself, I'll take the hit for seeing one more 40 year old virgin (duh, told you I ran up quite a karma bill). Not too many people dressed as Obi Wan Kenobi (that's what happens when you're out of sequels and no new game releases), but we did see a lot of people that would pass for clients of the Leaky Cauldron. I must say I was a bit disappointed, because we never did see anyone who surpassed the woman dressed up as some Paladin replete with chainmail bra from a few years back.

Perhaps more disturbing was the realization that some people in the "Socialize not via a computer game? Is that possible?" crowd find GenCon'ers to be pretty amateurish. There are conventions for more specific aspects of gaming/fantasy - like anime that consider themselves to be the real geeks. Which is a bit of a logical quandry and self-esteem issue - how do you manage to be an outcast of other geek groups?

Just when you think the US has the diversity of a Golden Delicious Apple, you find a whole other world out there. Let me stop before, I am reincarnated as a protozoa.