Thursday, December 14, 2006

Goodbye: Gaby Vega

I think I'm still in trouble from the Bruno post, so I might sound a little over the top to make up for it.

As you should know from previous posts, Gaby was the QM Application Engineer, and she was the Diva. In fact, she was such a diva that she taught me a few things - so I was just the Junior Diva. As you can imagine, I've never really played a supporting role before (just never found the right script) until Gaby came along, so that's pretty profound.

Gaby taught me several things including the best source of information is just a smoke away (don't worry, I only experienced the unfiltered second-hand smoke), Spanish and Italian are really interchangeable languages, and some people should not drive a manual transmission (Patrick still relives the running over the high school student incident to this day).

Despite all of her successes in achieving results with people, I must say I was a bit disappointed that we did not see our own GBIP smackdown. Can't tell you how many times Bruno IM'ed me to say that he thought the time had arrived, and I had my trusty video camera ready. Alas, you can't have everything.