We decided that even though we're going to be in France for just 3 more months, we thought we'd move to a new place.
Gaby's apartment is just around the corner from us, but it has the added bonuses (in order of priority) of:
1. Underground parking under the apartment
2. A bathtub
3. Twice the size of the old apartment
4. Terrace (more important if the three months were not in winter)
The only bad thing is that we need to say goodbye to all our friends, finish Xmas shopping, pack for home, clean old apartment, move all our crap to the new place, and make a 7AM flight on Friday morning. And we have one week.
The only really bad part was packing (amazing the amount of crap you can accumulate in 15 months) and moving all the crap to Gaby's (I think it was about 25 trips when it was all done). The distance didn't seem too long when we were in the planning and design phase, but when we hit the implementation phase - we were surprised. It is probably only 500 paces (literally around the corner), but it was the season for Xmas markets. Do you know how hard it is to move a huge box of crap, when there's a father and child walking in front of you on a crowded street at 10 centimeters per minute. Next time, I'm at least getting a dolly.