Thursday, December 14, 2006

Goodbye: Holger Roeder

Like Lucia, the patience of Job.

Also someone who has to support a design that was decided back when the USSR was a superpower, Holger Roeder was Jill's bitch. But you know, it just didn't have the same ring to it, as Bruno and Gaby. I think Holger was the first one to realize that Fegersheim has its own "unique" "style" of "planning", but he was also nice (or smart) enough to not call them out on it. Personally I would have blown up if I had spent so much time developing a piece of functionality to finally not use it in the end - yikes.

Holger also had an interesting background - German and married to a Frenchwoman. Personally, I didn't think that was possible. But I think that experience must have served him well in dealing with all of us.